4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion

The latest Model, Actress and all celebrity pictures and photo galleries, from Myanmar.
4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion
 Myanmar Celebrities and Models Khin Wint Wah , Yu Thandar Tin , Thinzar Nwe Win , Aye Chan Moe in amazing myanmar dress photoshoot collection.

4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion

4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion
 Khin Wint Wah became popular model in 2013 after she got a lot of votes from Myanmar people when she compete in Miss Supranational 2013 in Belarus. Since then, she became one of the rising myanmar celebrity in Myanmar. She is still young , cute and also active  volunteer for social organizations in Myanmar.
4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion

4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion
 Thinzar Nwe Win is beautiful Myanmar Actress and Model. She is very active on Facebook to share with her fans. She is looking good as innocent ordinary myanmar girl in this photos.

 Yu Thandar Tin is one of the popular model and actress in Myanmar now. She features in a lot of music videos and myanmar fans starts notice her as she mostly take photoshoot in amazing myanmar costume fashion.
4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion
4 Myanmar Celebrities in Beautiful Myanmar Dress Fashion
 Aye Chan Moe also known as Chan Moe Lay is a medical student as well as popular presenter and model. She won the runner up prize in Miss Universe Myanmar 2013 competition behind the Moe Set Wine. She became popular since then and she is doing well a lot of activities as a medical student and also popular presenter.



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